![](./files/sprl/images/3fee35b6-002c-4cde-9214-c0e6d4f65f1a.jfif) New: Defense of M.Sc. thesis:
The thesis defense by Mr. Vahid Asadi, a M.Sc. candidate in aerospace engineering, entitled " Simulation of a specific gas generator", will be held on 2024-July-08 at 16:00 (Tehran time) at school of mechanical engineering of Iranian University of Science and Technology (IUST). The members of the Space Propulsion Research Laboratory (SPRL) invite all interested parties in this field and the other relevant areas to participate in this defense.
The feeding system of liquid propellants has two main tasks. Increasing the pressure of the propellants and feeding them to one or more thrust chambers. The energy required for these tasks is obtained through high-pressure gas, centrifugal pumps, or their combination. In this research, a sample gas generator whose propellant is liquid hydrogen peroxide was first designed using zero-dimensional relations, and then it was modeled in three-dimensional form with the help of computational fluid dynamics using the Fluent solver. The flow inside the gas generator was investigated and analyzed under different working conditions. It is worth noting that the type of solver used is basic pressure and by applying the k-ω-like turbulence model, the liquid phase solution is done with Lagrangian Ruiker. Comparing the results obtained with the help of the numerical simulation, with the results obtained from the CEA software, indicated the agreement of the data of the numerical method with zero-dimensional relationships. This matching of data makes the included numerical method to be considered as a reliable method for estimating and predicting the behavior of the flow inside the gasifier chamber. The behavior curves of the gasifier chamber were obtained for different hydrogen peroxide inlet temperatures and different chamber pressures. It should be noted that the thermal decomposition of hydrogen peroxide was investigated, therefore, using high-temperature nitrogen gas, hydrogen peroxide reached the decomposition temperature, and its behavior was investigated under different conditions.
Gas generator, Turbulence ring, Uniform gas, DPM, Thermal decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.