CRL services
| Post date: 2014/12/3 |
The CRL provides several various experiments as follows:
Type of the Test |
Tensile test |
Tensile tests with extensometer |
Tensile tests with strain gage |
Compression tests |
Stress relaxation tests |
Three-point bending tests |
Four-point bending tests |
Charpy impact tests |
Drop weight impact tests |
Buckling tests |
Fracture tests (mode one, mode two and mixed mode) |
Tests under low-temperature conditions |
Residual stress measurement with hole drilling method |
Residual stress measurement with Slitting method |
Fire tests on the composite materials |
** A high-resolution camera is available in the lab which can take photos during a definite time period. So it can be used to record the fracture, firing, and other processes. Using this camera one can have the image of the specimen before, after, and during the test process.
![AWT IMAGE](files/crl/pages/1st.png)
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